Nordic Star 2025 Pitch Competition

Engage. Inspire. Win.


NLSDays Nordic Star is a pitch competition for Nordic life science SMEs. During Nordic Life Science Days on October 13-14 2025, a selection of high-potential Nordic SMEs will compete for the Nordic Star Award.

Inclusion Criteria for Applying

  • SME with main activities in one of the Nordic countries performing research and development within health, medical, or life science industries.
  • Private company


Applications opens on 12 May to 17 August 2025

Top 20 Selected Companies

20 companies are selected by a jury consisting of high-profile investors and pharma scouts to pitch their innovation in front of the NLSDays attendees.

During NSLDays 2025, the top 20 companies will give a four-minute pitch of their company in front of the audience and the jury.

What if you get selected?

  • One free ticket to NLSDays, including access to the PartneringONE™ system.
  • The opportunity to pitch directly to the investor jury, big pharma scouts, and the NLSDays audience.

ALL applicants receive constructive feedback from the jury, whether you are selected or not.
To apply for the competition, fill in the application form at

Nordic Star 2025 Award

The company with the highest investment potential, selected by the jury of investors and pharma representatives will be announced as the winner during NLSDays’ Closing Ceremony, and will receive a cash prize of 10,000 EUR + 2 tickets to NLSDays 2026.